Synthetic Vinegar VS. Natural Vinegar

Vinegar has traditionally been made as a primary condiment in preparing and cooking various meals due to its sharp and versatile flavor. Vinegar’s acidity or sourness enhances food taste and balances a rich meal. It is one of the typical culinary staples that include marinades, sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup, and more. In addition to that, it is also commonly used in the cooking process that functions as a preservative; in a tropical environment like the Philippines, where food spoils rapidly, it’s simple to understand how this became a widespread practice. &source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCNia1Kmc7PMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

In the Philippines, there are several varieties of local vinegar, each distinguished by the substance from which it is made. Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid and it is also a product of a two-step fermentation. Fermentation is a magical process; it begins when yeast absorbs the sugar or starch in any liquid derived from plant food, such as cane, coconut, palm, or rice. These sugars are converted to ethanol and the ethanol is converted to acetic acid through the aid of a bacterium known as Acetobacter, which happens for weeks or months. Cane vinegar, coconut vinegar, and palm vinegar are the three most popular and extensively used vinegar among the numerous varieties available, especially in the Philippines. 635479958912000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCOjmg-Ob7PMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAX

Several attributes distinguish the various forms of vinegar. The foundation components, fermentation agent, fermentation technique, and preparation procedure are all examples of these. Vinegar, in addition to imparting a delicious taste to dishes, contains some beneficial elements such as essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, there is a definite benefit to selecting particular types over others to make a healthier decision.

Natural Fermented Vinegar

The fermentation of numerous foods, such as sugarcane, coconut, palm, rice, and molasses, produces naturally fermented vinegar, also known as brewed vinegar. White vinegar, spirit vinegar, or alcohol vinegar are some of the other common or commercial names. The acid fermentation of sugarcane extracts produces white vinegar, which is transparent. It is the strongest commercially available type, often containing 5–20 percent acetic acid.

On the other hand, distilled or virgin vinegar is made from alcohol derived from various sources, including apple cider, honey, coconut, palm, and kombucha. The phrase distilled refers to the removal of the liquid component from the base. It’s a colorless type with an acetic acid content of 5–8%.

Naturally fermented vinegar is made from ethanol derived from sugarcane, coconut, palm, and rice. It provides a wide range of nutrients that can help you stay healthy.

Synthetic Fermented Vinegar

Natural processes can create acetic acid, which is the main element in vinegar. It includes natural fermentation, such as those produced by the substances mentioned. These procedures, however, are resource-intensive. Thus, different commercial techniques for producing acetic acid have emerged. This method offers a higher yield while being relatively resource-friendly.

Petrochemicals or fossil fuels are used to create synthetic methanol and carbon monoxide, which are used for the production of synthetic vinegar. Acetic acid is formed when a mixture is oxidized at high temperatures and then exposed to high pressure.

The final product is highly concentrated, with acetic acid levels ranging from 5 to 80 percent. It is then diluted for commercial use. The vinegar produced is not as nutritionally effective as naturally fermented goods since the procedure does not include any nutrient-rich components.

Naturally fermented vinegar and synthetic vinegar are chemically identical. However, acetic acid that is naturally fermented derived from plant sources is a healthier option for cooking. They include a variety of minerals, vitamins, and other nutritional components derived from the base ingredients that can positively impact one’s health and overall well-being. On the other hand, synthetic vinegar is still an acetic acid that has been diluted to the proper amounts in an industrial setting. This process promises higher output and is easy on the resources comparatively.

ASLAM is the biggest manufacturer of vinegar in the Philippines that produces tons of naturally fermented vinegar that is good for everyone’s health and overall wellness. We aim to give the best quality products and services, promoting healthier options and one of the basic condiments in Filipino kitchens. We are open to partnership and distribution all over the Philippines. Check our website for more information about us, and message us!